Test the Future of IoT Security


Auto Blocking of IP Addresses

3A Blocking IP Address

Blocking the IP Address to Stop Potential Intruders.

Connecting to devices using a browser.

Returning a web page when clicked:

  1. Click on<Connect to OK Device>: you will successfully be connected to a webpage as a comparison.
  2. Click on<Block IP>: the browser will time out and return nothing. (Be patient, this takes a 10 seconds or so)
  3. Click on<Page not Found>: you will failed connect to a webpage. (Be patient, this takes a 10 seconds or so)

What’s happened when you clicked on <Block IP>:

  • An event trigger on the <Block IP> Beacon device sends a function call to a to the Beacon firewall client to block your IP address
  • Your IP will remain blocked until your unblock your IP address in Step 4.

If you click on the image to the right, a video stream will appear in a new tab.

If your IP address has been blocked, the video stream will be blocked. Test it for yourself.

This image outlines the configuration and communication pathway. This Beacon device is directly on the interent. The blocking is being blocked on the Dell Wyse micro computer directly.

Click the image above to view a larger version.

Additional Information:

A user IP address is blocked when an outside trying to access a device within a protective mesh.

A firewall rule is used to block the IP address.   A blocking function can be triggered when a device has a firewall or as a peer-to-peer function triggered by an event on a device.

Retest IP Blocking 3B:

  • Test the block by trying to reconnect by clicking on <Block IP>
    • the browser will time out and return nothing
  • Proceed to Step 4A unblock your IP address

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